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Poultry meat “Made in Poland”

Poland is the third largest poultry exporter in the world and the first in the EU

Poland is the third largest exporter of poultry in the world and the leader in the European Union. In 2022, Poland exported 1.6 million tonnes of this poultry meat and offal. According to a report prepared by Strategy & Polska, operating within PwC, only Brazil and the United States are bigger players on the global market.

In the first half of 2023, over 1 million tonnes of poultry left Poland, about 4% more than in the same period of 2022. Almost 70% of it went to EU countries (mostly  to Germany, the Netherlands and France) and 30% to non-EU countries (the United Kingdom, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Ukraine).

In the period from July to October 2023, Poland’s exports increased by 1.7% y/y. Despite a significant decline in sales to Germany, EU countries remain its largest customers.

Until 2027, the cumulative annual growth rate of poultry and offal production in our country is expected to remain at the level of plus 1.3%.

Such a large Polish production is associated with increased consumer demand. In 2021, Poles consumed an average of 28 kg of this meat per person, compared to the EU average of 23.9 kg per capita. In 2022, the average per capita consumption of poultry in Poland was 27 kg, compared to the global average of 15 kg.

The demand for poultry meat continues and is driven by consumer trends, including the belief that it is healthier compared to other meat, lower in calories, easier to prepare, and attractively priced.

Source: KOWR, GUS

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