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IT and Telecommunication

Telecommunication, IT and information services constitute a significant part of Polish trade in services, and their importance is gradually increasing. Exports of these services have been growing dynamically for several years now. In 2020, exports of the industry accounted for 14.4% of Polish exports of services, and the main partners of Poland in terms of value of exported services were the United States, United Kingdom and Germany.

The Polish IT markets is he second largest in Central and Eastern Europe. The main factors leading to Poland’s international recognition in IT are Polish IT specialists, as well as the quality of the services provided, the high level of creativity, the availability of a high quality infrastructure and cost effectiveness.

sektor usług telekomunikacyjnych i IT

Industry definition

The industry is designated by the SI code according to the BPM6 classification. It includes service transactions involving the transmission of audio, data video, and other information.

Value of industry exports from Poland [EUR]

6 791,3 Increase of 20% to 2017
7693,4 Increase of 13% to 2018
8 257 Increase of 7% to 2019
9810,1 Increase of 19% to 2020
source: Eurostat, Comext

Useful contacts


ul. C. K. Norwida 1; 80-280 Gdańsk


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  • Marafiki s.c. Rafał Gadomski i Krzysztof Wroński

    IT and Telecommunication
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    Did you know, that in Swahili the word „marafiki” means „friends”? It’s not a coincidence, as our business adventure started from a project shared by good friends. After 10 years in the market of online advertising and e-commerce, we’re still a close-knit team, hungry for more wins with internet algorithms. We are a Google Partner Premium and our campaigns has been recognized in multiple award events: European Search Awards, semKRK. Our clients come from different countries.

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    Ideo Software

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    Ideo Software, a Polish-based Software Development company, has amassed over two decades of experience in the industry. With three office locations in Rzeszow, Warsaw, and Drammen, its proficient professionals offer personalized services tailored to meet their client’s needs and requirements. Their dedication is undoubtedly appreciated, as over 76% of their consumers have been working with the company constantly for over 7 years. Also firm have received several rewards (from Clutch and Forbes).

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    IT and Telecommunication
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    FuelPrime is a fully automatic, the most precise in the world, certified system designed for the reconciliation and detection of fuel leaks at petrol stations. This innovative solution enables monitoring of the exact fuel quantity and provides comprehensive supervision over the processes of distribution and sale of fuels along the entire supply path – from the terminal to the individual customer at the petrol station.

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    IT and Telecommunication
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    This IT company located in central Poland is present on the market since 1997. It is the manufacturer of software for building engineering. The flagship of the company’s offer is the system based on the ideology of object-oriented Building Information Modelling (BIM). It is a user-friendly tool for comprehensive calculation/graphics support of a building engineering design process. The sale of software is based on a network of independent CAD (computer-aided design)/BIM distributors.

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