Kancelaria Prawna „CONSULTOR” Daniel Gramatowski
Updated: 09.08.2024
Profile views: 211
Business services
Wants exports to:
Western Europe, Visegrad Group, Eastern Europe, Baltic states, Nordic states,… expand
Western Europe, Visegrad Group, Eastern Europe, Baltic states, Nordic states, Southeast Europe and the Balkans, North America, Middle America and the Caribbean, South America, Middle East, East Asia, South East Asia, Caucasia, Central Asia, Southern Asia, North Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa, Australia and Oceania collapse
Company description
Gramatowscy Law Firm provides legal assistance and offers an international gateway to serve Polish and foreign Investors needs, in the area of international business transactions and investments location. The firm implements foreign Investors on Polish market, offering comprehensive legal advisory service, concerning selecting most suitable status of company, tax optimization and business organization.
We offer long-term cooperation, business projects support and assistance ad hoc.
Company offers
1) Business law (intellectual property law, copyright and industrial property at the national and international levels; energy and the environmental law; public procurement law; development of micro and small entrepreneurs).
2) Issues of tax and labour law.
3) Legal advice, legal expertise and analysis, draft agreements and contracts in international trade, as well as drafts of internal acts of legal entities.
4) Legal representation.
5) Support in negotiations.
Company commodity
Legal assistance
Among others we represent our Clients in matters concerning such legal areas as:
– counseling (analysis, legal interpretation, advice);
– preparation of documents (motions, writs, actions at law, statements of defence, contracts, settlements, statutes);
– representing Clients in courts and administrative authorities, including participation in negotiations and out-of-court settlements.
Contact Information

Kancelaria Prawna „CONSULTOR” Daniel Gramatowski
ul. Bitwy pod Płowcami 32/1
81-730 Sopot - Phone:
+48573133515 - E-mail:
gramatowski@gramatowscy.pl -
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