Finding a contractor in Poland
There are many ways in which you can find a contractor in Poland. Here you can find out more about the most popular ones.

Chambers of commerce
Chambers of commerce facilitate trade between companies from different countries. They usually are able to offer detailed information or services regarding import and export. Chambers can also help you find a matching contractor. Frequently, the chambers also offer trade shows or seminars. Many of them can facilitate the process of trademark registration or business arbitration.
Polish Investment & Trade Agency and Foreign Trade Offices
The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) supports international trade and inflow of the investments to Poland. The Agency assists in overcoming administrative and legal procedures, helps to develop legal solutions, find a suitable location, reliable partners and suppliers.
They actively work with the leading Polish sectors and have the latest and most accurate information on the import opportunities. Their website can be found here.
In order to offer direct assistance to both Polish businesses abroad and companies that would like to cooperate with Polish contractors, PAIH has established a network of support all over the world. Their Polish Foreign Trade Offices (ZBH – Zagraniczne Biura Handlowe) operate in 70 locations around the world. They offer a wide range of services for all types of companies. They can assist in e.g. market analysis, introduction to potential business partners or verification of potential contractors. The list of regions where they operate and contact details is available here.
Trade associations
There are several trade associations that provide support for Polish exporters. They might be very helpful to match you with your possible contractor.
Some of these organisations are listed by Polish Export Promotion portal are:
- Stowarzyszenie Eksporterów Polskich (Association of Polish Exporters)
- Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza (Polish Chamber of Commerce)
- Polska Izba Gospodarcza Importerów, Eksporterów i Kooperacji (Polish Chamber of Commerce for Importers, Exporters and Cooperation)
The Association of Polish Exporters is an organization which associates Polish exporters from the whole country and all industries. Among other aims, it provides assistance for Polish entities in establishing contacts with foreign partners.
Their contact details can be found at this website.
The Polish Chamber of Commerce is the largest independent business organization in Poland. One of its strategic areas of activity is supporting international trade through accompanying business delegations, close cooperation with the government agencies and implementation of international projects.
Their contact details can be found under this link.
The Polish Chamber of Commerce for Importers, Exporters and Cooperation creates and operates centres for the support of innovation, entrepreneurship, and regional development. It also provides training and advisory services. As part of its statutory activities, the Chamber provides assistance in developing business contacts, introducing Polish products and services to various foreign markets, and organising business trips.
The contact details of the Chamber can be found here.
Of course, as you might expect, there are also many organisations and associations for the particular branches of the agricultural, industrial, and services sectors. New organisations of this type emerge every year – especially with ongoing technological development – so the list might be dynamic.
You can try to look even for specific fields – for instance, there is Chamber of Electronic Economy that deals specifically with e-commerce and digital trade. There are also organisations dedicated specifically to eg. amber jewellers or cotton producers. Of course, there are also branch organisations, like The Chamber of Architects or the mining industry chambers.
Trade fairs and exhibitions
If you are aiming not only at identifying a possible contractor, but also getting to know some of their products first-hand, think about visiting trade fairs. These exhibitions are organised for companies from a particular country or region or those operating in a specific sector, to showcase their latest products and services. At the fairs, you can meet industry partners and customers. It is also possible to explore emerging trends and opportunities in your sector.
There are several major trade fair events organised in Poland every year. You can try to find ones that would be of interest to you via the browser provided by the Chamber of Polish Trade Fair Organizators.
Alternatively, you can visit Polish pavilions at the fairs or exhibitions organised in your own country. Poland is represented at the most important world events of the kind. It will also be present at the World Expo Dubai 2020.
Local governments and agencies
In Poland, local governments support entrepreneurs in their efforts to broaden their customer base. This includes actively seeking cooperation opportunities for the local producers and service providers. Many regions, especially the ones located near the borders, have a special department for cooperation with foreign administrations and businesses. Try to contact the nearest voivodeship or council administration office on the Polish side. If they will not be able to help you directly, they might have useful knowledge on local organisations that will be.
The agencies for regional development
One kind of these agencies are the agencies for regional development (‘agencje rozwoju regionalnego’ in Polish). The role of these entities is creating, supporting and promoting initiatives that serve the aim of regional development. Usually, they operate as joint stock companies with the majority of shares being held by local government units.
Among their tasks are ensuring the inflow of foreign direct investment and cooperation with foreign counterparts and investors. They also provide consultancy services. Currently, there are several agencies of this kind in Poland.